
This section of the ICTERI web site explains how and where the conference proceedings are published.

Starting from 2023, ICTERI publishes its post-proceedings (Main Conference, Poster, and PhD Symposium tracks) volume with Springer in their CCIS Series (approved by Springer for 2023). This is an international and highly reputable venue for conference and workshop proceedings. Springer post-proceedings volume contains the papers accepted by the ICTERI Program Committee and is published shortly after the conference. Therefore, the authors should strictly obey the deadlines (Important DATES) to allow timely publication of the proceedings.

ICTERI Springer CCIS volumes are indexed by: DBLP, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus.

This section of the web site is about publications in the ICTERI proceedings:

Where and when does ICTERI publish its papers?

Here you will find the instructions on how to: (a) submit your paper draft for the review; and (b) your final or camera-ready version for publication, if your draft has been accepted.

How to format your paper to make it fully compliant with the layout requirements of ICTERI and the Publisher? Where to take the right template for typesetting your paper correctly – for MS Word or LaTeX?

How should correct key words orĀ  phrases for annotating your manuscript be chosen?

Why should the copyright for my paper be transferred? What are the forms to be filled out to transfer the copyright either to the volume editors and to the publisher (Springer CCIS proceedings)?