Please be informed that submitting your abstract is just a preparatory phase for submitting your manuscript. It has however a separate abstract submission deadline. For submitting the abstract of your manuscript please follow the instructions below except uploading the file with your paper. You will have the possibility to upload your paper later, before paper submission deadline.

For making your submission for ICTERI 2024, please open the EasyChair submission page at

In case you have never worked with the EasyChair system before, and therefore do not have an EasyChair Account please create it by clicking “create an account” link at the login form.

Please follow simple instructions for creating your account, then log in to the EasyChair.

After logging in, you will be offered to enter the ICTERI 2024 as an author. Please enter as an author.

Your next step is to select one of the ICTERI 2024 Tracks to submit your contribution. If you intend to submit a paper for the Main ICTERI Conference please choose the “ICTERI 2024 Main Conference” track, then click the Continue button .

You will be taken to the New Submission page of the chosen ICTERI 2024 Track. Please mind that the submission forms for different ICTERI 2024 Tracks are different. The instructions on submitting contributions for the other conference tracks are provided in their Call pages at the ICTERI 2024 web site.

At the New Submission page of the ICTERI 2024 Track page, please fill in the forms as requested by the instructions:

(i) Please fill in the information about all the authors of your submission. Please be reminded that at least one author should be indicated as a “corresponding author” by checking the box in the bottom of the corresponding form. If your paper has more than three authors, you may add them by clicking “Click here to add more authors” link below the author forms. Please see the screenshot for the form to enter the author related information.

(ii) Please fill in the Title and Abstract form for your submission.

(iii) Please enter the list of the key words (key phrases) that you have chosen yourself for your contribution. Each key word should be entered in a separate line.

(iv) Please choose the Thematic Track of the Main Conference which best fits for your paper. The topics of the three Thematic Tracks are listed at the Main Conference TRACKS page. Please mind that you may choose only ONE Thematic Track for your contribution.

(vi) Please choose the type of your submission. The type you select will influence the way your paper be evaluated by the members of the Program Committee. The information about the paper types and respective evaluation criteria is provided at the Paper TYPES page.

(vii) Finally, please upload your submission file (paper) which has to be in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Paper submission is not mandatary when you submit your abstract. However, it has to be further submitted before the paper submission deadline. For submitting your paper later, please enter your submission details page and choose upload file from the context menu in the upper-right corner of the page.

After you have entered all the required information for your submission, please click on the “Submit” button in the bottom of the page.