Call for PhD Track PAPERS

The call for PhD Track papers is open

PhD Track at icteri-2025

The PhD Track is traditionally organized under the umbrella of ICTERI as a satellite Symposium or Track. It is a discussion forum for young researchers who are at the beginning of their careers, such as PhD students or young researchers from the industry. PhD Track at ICTERI provides an expert environment for presenting ideas and results of PhD projects or other research aiming toward PhD. Young researchers, who will join us to take part in discussions and/or present their papers, will be offered an opportunity to exchange and discuss their research ideas and outputs with their peers, supervisors, and senior researchers working in the fields that are within the scope of ICTERI-2025.

Topical Scope

We solicit submissions of original work, not previously published, or submitted for publication elsewhere and falling into but not rigidly limited by the following topics, which reflect the scope of ICTERI-2025.

  • Track 1: Advances in Fundamental ICT/IS Research, and their Applications
    • Information Science: data and knowledge integration and interoperability; data mining and knowledge discovery
    • Big Data: managing big data and linked open data at scale; data analytics and business intelligence
    • Large-scale distributed computing, cloud- and edge-based approaches
    • Model-driven architectures/approaches for software development and deployment
    • Smart systems: models, technologies, and applications
    • Knowledge representation and reasoning
    • Ontologies and knowledge graphs: extraction, engineering, and evolution; open research knowledge graphs (ORKG)
    • Recommender systems: methods and technologies
    • Solving challenges in digital societies
    • Theoretical foundations and practical implications
  • Track 2: Artificial Intelligence: Research and Applications
    • Deep learning for information mining and knowledge discovery from data of different modalities: text, image, audio, video, sensor output, etc.
    • Novel hybrid or synergetic AI-based approaches for solving computer vision and augmented reality problems
    • Machine-learning-based, statistical, and rule-based approaches in natural language processing solutions and applications
    • Self-explanatory deep-learning-based solutions for real-world applications
    • Planning and reinforcement learning in AI solutions
    • (Distributed) AI-based solutions in robotics and simulation
    • Ethics in AI: Societal Impacts and Critical Applications
    • Trustable AI and Safety Solutions in AI-based Systems
    • Energy-Efficient AI solutions
  • Track 3: ICT Applications in Academia & Industry
    • ICT solutions for competence design and development
    • ICT development to support technology-enhanced teaching and learning, including life-long learning
    • ICT solutions for quality assurance in education and education management
    • Novel ICT infrastructures, tools, and environments for research, cooperation, and knowledge transfer
    • Experiences in the development and use of ICT for personnel training in industry
    • Best practices in cooperative academic-industrial ICT projects; joint academic-industrial ICT research and development
    • Successful deployments of novel ICT applications in industry, public organizations, or governments

Please be informed that ICTERI is a Computer Science conference. Hence, the papers on didactics and use of ICT taken off the shelf will be regarded as out of scope.

No Conference Fee

Traditionally, ICTERI does not charge conference fees. Participation is FREE. Infrastructure and service expenses are covered by our sponsors. Travel and accommodation is paid by participants.

Presential Mode

ICTERI supports and respects all the aspects that help promote diversity in our conference community, which aspires to facilitate a truly international and multicultural gathering. Therefore, we prefer in-person assembly for the conference as the most effective mode for scientific exchange and community building. We fully understand, however, that some participants might be under higher risk or stricter constraints, like international travellers. This is why we allow virtual participation for the attendees, as an exclusion which must be negotiated with the Program Chairs.

The speakers, who present accepted contributed papers, must be physically present at the conference.

The information about the arrangements and requirements for the virtual attendees is provided and updated at

Submission Guidelines

The language of the ICTERI Main Conference is English. Submissions in any other language or not following the style or academic code of ethics guidelines will be rejected without review. Presentations in any other language are also not accepted and withdrawn from the program. All submissions shall be annotated by keywords/phrases freely chosen by the authors. At least three and at most five key phrases must be provided. All submissions must comply with the Springer LNCS format guidelines: Formatting instructions and template as well as submission guidelines are provided for your convenience at the ICTERI-2025 website: Please submit your paper, in .pdf, to ICTERI-2025 PhD Track via the EasyChair Conference Management System:

Submission Types and Page Limits

The PhD Track is focused on soliciting research-in-progress paper submissions. However, full research papers are also eligible. The page limits are:

  • Research-in-progress paper submissions: not less than 10 and not more than 12 LNCS pages.
  • Full research paper submissions: not less than 12 and not more than 16 LNCS pages.

The optional appendix can go beyond the page limit and will be consulted at the discretion of the program committee.

Please see more details on paper submission types at

It is required that the first author of a paper submitted for the PhD Track at ICTERI-2025 is either a PhD, or MSci student, or a young researcher from industry who is working towards obtaining a PhD.

Evaluation and Publication

All submissions will be evaluated by members of the international program committee. Accepted papers will be published in the Springer-Nature Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series.

Please check the Previous ICTERI Conferencespage at the ICTERI-2025 website ( to access the proceedings volumes published by the previous conference instances.


Accepted papers must be presented at the conference, in person, by one of their authors, who commit to register and attend the conference. The Program Chairs reserve the right to withdraw those papers from the proceedings, which have not been presented at the conference.

PhD Symposium Chairs

  • Oleksii Ignatenko, Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine
  • Gollam Rabby, L3S Research Center, Germany

If you have any questions about PhD Symposium, please contact us by email:

Program Committee

The list of the Program Committee members of the the PhD Symposium could be accessed at

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