
The Faculty of Applied Sciences (AppS, https://apps.ucu.edu.ua/en/about-us/) of Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU, https://ucu.edu.ua/en/). UCU is an open academic community living the Eastern Christian tradition and forming leaders to serve with professional excellence in Ukraine and internationally – for the glory of God, the common good, and the dignity of the human person. AppS brings up the leaders that use their knowledge, experience, and creativity to change the today and tomorrow of Ukraine and beyond. Our bachelor Programs in Computer Science and Business Analytics, a two-year Master Program in Data Science, and PhD Program in Intelligent Systems push forward the frontiers of higher education in Computer Science and Information Technologies. The faculty is active in research and is visible worldwide through the involvment in international projects, professional societies, and publications.

Kherson State University (KSU, http://www.ksu.ks.ua/) is a versatile scientific, educational, and cultural center in the South of Ukraine. It offers full-day, extra-mural, external study programs attended by 8,000 students from 23 regions of Ukraine and CIS countries. Its research and teaching staff comprises 18 members of the Ukrainian and foreign Academies of Science, 68 professors, 234 senior lecturers. About 1,000 students are enrolled to its advanced degree programs at Ph.D and Dr.Sci levels.

Oleksandr Spivakovsky’s Educational Foundation (OSEF, https://www.facebook.com/spivakovsky.fund/) aims to support gifted young people, out-standing educators, and also those who wish to start up their own business. OSEF activity is focused on the support and further devel-opment of educational, scientific, cultural, social and intellectual spheres in the Kherson Region of Ukraine.

GroupBWT (http://www.groupbwt.com/) are those who do coding all day and night long. For you. We can do anything, that is it. The work we do, and how we do it, is defined in large part by the culture we have developed. We seek to build an organization that each and every one of us enjoys being a part of, where people feel valued, in-spired to grow, and are willing to do what is necessary to take care of each other and our client.

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