Author Agreement (Copyright) Form for ICTERI 2021 Vol I: Main Conference, PhD Dymposium, and Poster/Demo Papers
These Publication Conscent forms are applicable for the Main Conference papers, PhD Symposium papers, and Poster / Demo papers that will be published, if finally accepted after the check of the camera-ready version, in Volume I of the ICTERI 2021 proceedings. Please download the appropriate variant of the Publication Conscent Form, fill it out, print, sign, scan, and submit your scanned copy together with your camera-ready paper to the (Vol. I) Proceedings section of the ICTERI 2021 EasyChair system. The two alternative variants, NTP or TP, are available (as recommended by
- (a) AUTHOR-AGREEMENT (NTP): Authors shall use this form if they included no copyrighted third party material in their paper text (or accompanying sources, datasets). This is the right variant in most cases.
- (b) AUTHOR-AGREEMENT (TP): Authors shall use this form if they did include copyrighted third party material in their paper or accompanying material. They must then also attach a copy of the permission by the third party to use this material in the signed author agreement!
Author Agreement (Copyright) Form for ICTERI 2021 Vol II: Workshops Papers
These Publication Conscent forms are applicable for the Workshops papers that will be published, if finally accepted after the check of the camera-ready version, in Volume II of the ICTERI 2021 proceedings. Please download the appropriate variant of the Publication Conscent Form, fill it out, print, sign, scan, and submit your scanned copy together with your camera-ready paper to the (Vol. II) Proceedings section of the ICTERI 2021 EasyChair system. The two alternative variants, NTP or TP, are available (as recommended by
- (a) AUTHOR-AGREEMENT (NTP): Authors shall use this form if they included no copyrighted third party material in their paper text (or accompanying sources, datasets). This is the right variant in most cases.
- (b) AUTHOR-AGREEMENT (TP): Authors shall use this form if they did include copyrighted third party material in their paper or accompanying material. They must then also attach a copy of the permission by the third party to use this material in the signed author agreement!