Dear authors,
Please be reminded that ICTERI 2020 Workshop Proposals EasyChair track is only for submitting the proposals on organising satellite ICTERI 2020 Workshops. This track is NOT for submitting papers.
In a consequence, each paper submitted as a workshop proposal will be REJECTED as irrelevant for the Call.
The list of the workshops accepted for ICTERI 2020 will be made public on the ICTERI web site after February the 7th, 2020. The accepted workshops will Call for their Papers individually. The Calls for Workshop Papers will also be published of the ICTERI web site on due time.
ICTERI 2020 Workshop chairs
We solicit submission of original work, not previously published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must be submitted to one of the following Thematic Tracks*:
Track 1: Advances in ICT Research
- Resource Integration and Interoperability
- Managing Big Data and Linked Open Data at Scale
- Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
- Knowledge Models, Languages, and Representations
- Ontologies: Extraction, Engineering and Evolution
- Domain Modeling Languages and Tools
- Machine Learning: Deep Learning and Reasoning
- Recommender Systems: Methods and Technologies
- Challenges Arising within the Concept of Digital Society
Track 2: Information Systems: Technology and Applications
- Service-Orientation and Large-scale Distributed Computing and Cloud-based Technologies
- Model Driven Architectures / Software Development
- Smart – systems: Models, Technologies and Applications
- Knowledge Extraction, Engineering and Management
Track 3: Academia/Industry ICT Cooperation
- Joint Academic-Industrial Research and Development
- Infrastructures, Tools and Framework Conditions for Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer
- Experiences in ICT for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Corporative Team Training
- Best Practices in Cooperative Projects
Track 4: ICT in Education
- Methodology and Didactics of Teaching and Using ICT
- ICT in Technology Enhanced Learning and Instruction
- Advances in and Tools for Technology Enhanced Learning
- ICT Competence Design and Development
- Quality Assurance of ICT Education
- Professional Retraining and Life-Long Learning using ICT
This section of the web site informs about the Thematic SCOPE of ICTERI:
MAIN Conference TRACKS page:
What is the thematic Tracks of the Main ICTERI conference and what are the topics covered by the tracks?
Submission TYPES page:
What are the admissible types of papers solicited by the Main ICTERI conference? Paper types for satellite events are explained in their own pages.
Evaluation CRITERIA page:
According to which criteria, are the submissions of different types evaluated by the ICTERI Program Committee?
This section of the web site also informs about the CALLS for different kinds of contributions to ICTERI Programme:
Call for PAPERS page:
In terms of papers, what does the Main ICTERI Conference want to receive as the contributions to its scientific programme?
Which satellite Workshops does ICTERI call for its scientific programme? How should a Workshop Proposal be written and submitted?
What are the requirements for a Poster or a Software Demonstration? How would the Poster/Demo Session be organized? How would a Poster or Demo paper look like? How to submit?
What does the ICTERI PhD Symposium want to receive as the contributions to its scientific programme? What are the requirements to an extended abstract? How would the PhD Symposium be organized? Why should PhD and Master Students attend and contribute to the event?
Finally, this section of the web site also informs about the PROCCESS for paper selection and acceptance, describing its phases and outcomes in the:
What is the process of organizing the ICTERI Program and how is it ascertained that the scientific quality of the program and proceedings is high?