Why to register?

ICTERI requires that every conference participant, not necessarily a speaker, but also a listener, registers at the conference. A dedicated registration service is provided for this step. We need your registration for:

  • Personalizing your conference information bundle, including the badge with your name and affiliation
  • Offer additional services to you: e.g. visa support, hostel booking, official invitation letter preparation
  • Collecting statistical information about session attendance, including social events – for proper resource planning
  • Letting the other conference participants know who you are to facilitate networking

Conference registration is the step to manage conference preparation properly. It has no connection to conference program and proceedings volumes. By no means it does not change the status of your submission for the conference.

Please use ICTERI 2024 Registration Service at:

Registration is free of charge. All ICTERI 2024 conference expenses are covered by conference sponsors.

Travel and accommodation expenses of the conference participants are NOT covered and remain at their own (or their organization) expense

When registering, please choose New Registration if you have not yet received your Personal ID. Your Personal ID will be emailed to you by the registration service after you have filled out and submitted the first registration form. You may further enter your existing registration to continue or update information using this Personal ID.

Please be informed that your Personal ID is automatically generated by the registration  service using your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. These fields will not be allowed to be updated when you continue your registration.

Please be informed that the registrations for the previous ICTERI conferences are NOT valid. A new registration needs to be done for ICTERI 2024.

Revoking your registration

You are free to change your mind after registering, for any personal reason. If you decide not to attend, the registration does not imply any obligation for you. So you may just forget about it.

However, to keep our statistics and resource planning precise, we ask you to declare, in writing, that you revoke your registration. For that, please email to the Local Organization Chair:

TO: Oles Dobosevych at  <>

SUBJECT: ICTERI 2024: Cancel my Registration


Please mention your FirstName LastName and <email address> used while registering. Further, if you wish, you may mention the reason to revoke your registration.

Please feel free to contact the Local Organization Committee Oles Dobosevych at  <> in case you encounter any problem while registering for ICTERI 2024 or if you have any specific request. Please prefix the SUBJECT of your message with “ICTERI 2024: “