Main ICTERI conference solicits papers on original work, not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere, that address one or more of the following topics. Papers must be submitted to one of the following Tracks:
Track 1: Advances in ICT Research
- (Semantic) Integration and Interoperability
- Managing Big Data and Linked Open Data
- Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
- Knowledge Models, Languages, and Representations
- Ontologies: Engineering, Alignment, and Evolution
- Machine Learning and Reasoning Methods
- Reliability and Trust in Knowledge Management
- Biologically and Socially Inspired Approaches to Machine Intelligence
- Models for the Industry of the Future
Track 2: Information Systems: Technology and Applications
- Service-Orientation and Large-scale Distributed Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Model Driven Architectures / Software Development
- Business Process Management
- Knowledge Extraction, Engineering and Management
Track 3: Academia/Industry ICT Cooperation
- Joint Academic-Industrial Research and Development
- Infrastructures, Tools and Framework Conditions for Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer
- Best Practices
Track 4: ICT in Education
- Methodology and Didactics of Teaching and Using ICT
- Advances in and Tools for Technology Enhanced Learning
- Balance between Theory and Practice in Curriculum Design
- ICT Competence Design and Development
- Quality Assurance of ICT Education
- Professional Retraining and Life-Long Learning using ICT
- Infrastructures and Framework Conditions for ICT Education
- Modeling Systems in Education